2/9/23- Palentine's Day Woes for a Pink Shopaholic

Boy, has it been a minute since I updated this lol
Well tbh the sznal depression has been hitting kind of hard, along with the fact that stuff at my job is getting... hectic. I'm stuck with an older coworker for now that can't quite help out more than she's able to and now higher-ups are gearing up to get her to resign so we can hire a new cohort that can actually load up the washing machines
Which, fine whatever I get it, it's going to take a while to get someone to start working in the laundry room, but it's not that much easier on us when it's basically one person in there actually doing anything with one supervisor ducking in and out to help once in a while >_<
But anyways... besides that little hiccup I have to deal with on a daily basis stuff is going ok?? with my life so far
I got a pay bump at work, finally got around to buying museum tickets for this coming Sunday (which I'm kind of excited about! Hope the weather doesn't suck ass when I finally go), and the worrisome cavity in my molar is finally patched up thanks to a capable endodontist, so now I just need a crown. No pain or anything, my molar is saved! That was a close one, I was like thiiiiiis close to needing an entire root canal!
So besides all that boring adult stuff, I-- being a connoisseur of all things pink and heart-shaped-- am hunting around online and irl for the latest Valentines merch since y'know this is supposed to be the pinkest time of the year. I want to get at all the cute heart stuff before they're swept off the shelves to make room for ugly green St Paddy's day merch. But holy hell is it just me or is V Day kinda... a bummer this year? I've been perusing my usual sites online and even looking at what's been stocked thanks to the emails I get in my inbox and... it's all kinda disappointing ngl.
Stuff is either the same from like last year, just repackaged or some shops are str8 up not really doing much at all lol
It's concerning when the cutest stuff I've seen so far happen to be at the damn dollar store of all places
As a materialist maximialist pink shopaholic, this is breaking my heart... nothing cute to buy! Even tho I am broke as hell still, even with my more generous paychecks but I mean like damn, let me drool over what I can't have at least! Here ppl are lamenting about being single and balking at not having a body in their bed at least for the holiday and here I am balking at the fact that there's no cute stuff to spend money on >:(
The most recent pink-ish purchase I've made that wasn't a necessity at all is these cute Lamoda dolly shoes and these aren't even that pink. Just got them bc I had a discount code lmao
I was gearing up to go broke yet again buying mugs and garlands and sweaters and stuff, even maybe some makeup but wow there's nothing??? Not even the Etsy shops I follow have anything cute up their sleeves this year
I blame rising prices on like everything nowadays tbh these corporations are squeezing every penny out of everyone and it sucks ass, I can see the effects rippling thru the communities. Might even get worse from here on out, as well. Bc who can afford cutesy stuff anymore when rent is doubling and food prices are tripling? I personally feel like I'm just always going to be on a never-ending race to try and catch up on rent, and I'm lucky I even have a kind enough landlord to let me be behind on payments.
Anyways, maybe this is a sign I should just slow down on my spending lol, here I am behind on rent and I'm actually looking for opportunities to blow my cash on useless stuff
But then again for a kawaii lovecore-obsessed person is it really all useless? :3