Light Pink Pointer

12/16/22- How I discovered Anarchism and why I like it better than everything else

So! Something to break the monotony of everyday living, esp since I'm locked to my house thanks to being too broke to do anything else atm and I am... slowly losing my mind :)

As always, I come across articles every now and then in the anarcho-socialist side of the interwebs since y'know I am definitely not a capitalist lol... and I found this one as it relates to why tf Mr. Elongated Muskrat is Acting This Way

As I'm sure y'all already know-- or maybe you don't but whatever-- the recent news of Twitter's progress into becoming a ghost town is just more and more pathetic as time goes on. I honestly predict that by this time next year, unless some divine intervention happens out of nowhere, the once giant soc media app is going to hemorrage so much money its memory will be a whisper. Which is sad bc yeah fuck Twitter but there are so many accounts and so much data that will go down in a blaze and so much info is gonna be lost on a billionaire's whim. Like damn man, I surely hope that the ppl on Internet Archive are busy bc it's definitely not gonna last long!

So anyways, everyone is like "Why are so many hundreds of GBs of data gonna be wiped bc one Manchild can't control himself" and honestly I'm over here like "Have Y'all Seen Billionaires?" I'm perplexed as to how and why the propaganda of Cool Rich Ppl even works so well anymore considering soc media has given us a never-before-seen look into the lives of these awful people. I stopped believing in the Rich Ppl Are Cool and Smart myth a loooong time ago bc goddamn these old white ppl are just so... stupid? And pathetic? And so very obviously Not Qualified for their positions in life? Idk man I just kinda thought by now that it was common knowledge for most ppl with the exception of those weird Billionaire Defending Nerds online. Rich ppl did not get into these fortunate positions in life through "hard work". That is just... obviously not true anymore, and probably hasn't been since the dawn of humanity atp.

However, even tho I know this, obviously not everyone has the same perspective, and lord knows my rambling ass has 0 qualifications to educate everyone. That's why when I found this article I was like "fuck yes, an article that addresses the root of the problem!" Like, the real argument for an anarchist society, the most obvious answer as to why we really just cannot continue having a society where we are constantly suffering under hierarchies and power.

Obviously I say it time and again, and this is something most ppl are slowly but surely waking up to-- but yeah, capitalism does not work. One could argue it never did, it was set up to fail from the start bc you truly cannot have a society whose economy prioritizes abstract values and property over real human lives... in a world full of human beings. Everything about capitalism works against human interest, except for of course the interests of a small handful of ppl in any given society.

And the biggest reason why this just can't work isn't even bc of capitalism in and of itself, unfortunately that's really only like half of the problems the globe currently has. Capitalism is, after all, the son of Imperialism, the true evil in this world. Yeah we can overthrow capitalist govts and idk, I guess go for more socialist reforms but Imperialism is Still There. In order to actually get rid of everything awful in this world, we don't need to target drug dealers and crime, we need to start digging out the rotting foundations that the world was built on in the past 500-ish years.

I never really understood anarchy as an ideology. Or even as anything actually doable in real life. I kinda understood that most punks pushed anarchist ideas and accepted that, bc yeah fuck cops! Fuck the system! But I don't think I actually understood anarchy as a solid plan before. It wasn't until I hopped back on Tumblr this year, plus mixed with the ever-escalating dire situations we're finding ourselves in lately, that I found myself on the side of Tumblr that actually seems to have some p good solutions to the problems we have. And ofc, a masterpost of anarchist resources didn't hurt either lol

Lbr, this is just common sense atp and I've always walked on the side of anarchy since I was young enough to even understand politics, even back when I didn't really know what it was. Because kids aren't born into this world corrupted, I really believe every kid is born Good before nurture comes in and fucks everything up so obviously to a kid, capitalism is needlessly complicated and just... dumb. Just give ppl houses, give ppl food. There's no shortage of it so why are there homeless ppl? What do we need money for if it brings misery to this world? I have half a sandwich, why can't I give my other half to this kid that only has Oreos for lunch? Stuff like that

I was very much that kid that loved to share my stuff with other kids when I was younger. I would str8 up give my toys away. I have plenty at home and this girl said she likes my toy keychain so... why not? If it weren't for society corrupting us as we grew up, sharing resources and stuff would just be... common sense.

Let's back up a lil more. Why is it that we even have that innate sense in us in the 1st place? Cuz we're human... that's it. That is truly the answer. We just have kindess embedded in our genes bc that's what helped us survive back in Ye Olden Times of hunting and gathering (yes nihilists, we are inherently morally good, shut up)! It just Made Sense as social animals to stick together, help each other and share bc that would ensure our survival. We don't even feel empathy only for each other, we pack bond with animals! Even things! It happens, y'all. We str8 up found evidence of human remains of an elderly disabled man given a proper burial. He lived with a spinal deformity that could've meant certain death if "survival of the fittest" even meant anything... but it didn't. This man was well taken care of and lived past the age of 45 500,000 years ago. ~Insane~ right? Compassion for disabled ppl half a million years ago. The article itself even states:

"He possibly used a cane, just as a modern elderly person does," Bonmati said. "This individual may not have been an active hunter and was impaired to carry heavy loads, thus an important source of his food would depend on other members of the group, which would mean sharing." As a senior, the individual would have had expertise in finding food and more, the researchers suspected, so he must have been a valuable contributor to his group. As a result, the male may also provide some of the world's first evidence for compassion and cooperation among early humans."

Physical evidence of kindness literally turning the tides of nature against itself. Amazing, mindboggling, etc

So back to the 1st article I mentioned earlier from the Atlantic. Power actually physically causes brain damage because it impairs the ability for the person in power to actually be able to excercise that part of the brain that can sympathise with other ppl. It's common knowledge that absolute power corrupts absolutely everyone and like... duh. Yeah, why wouldn't it? When you live your life free of real consequences, having everyone who surrounds you on a day-to-day basis kissing your ass, never hearing the word "no", of course your reality is different from most ppl's so then your brain adapts to that kind of lifestyle. You have to flex that sort of muscle way less than someone who has considerably less power so ofc you're not going to feel the need to be kind whatsoever. And that's dangerous bc that is literally the very thing you needed to get to the top, right? Kiss your way up the ladder, do favors for ppl who can get you a more favorable position, etc. After all, we're still human, and being nicer to ppl around you is going to boost the chances of you getting what you want.

So obvi once a person Gets To The Top, what do they even have to do then? Why continue to kiss ass, read the room, whatever? And that's where the problems start. Absolute power, or even just a bit of perceived power does more harm than good. These rich, powerful ppl simply "gained" the right to Not Be Human. That's it. That's what makes us different from most other animals, we have sympathy, empathy and a keen urge to pack bond with anything we can get our hands on, even stuffed animals, blankets, robots or cars. When your everyday reality is that you get to say whatever you want, do whatever you want, buy whatever you want and throw money at literally every problem you have until it Magically Fixes itself, that's going to warp your brain. Duh!

So I guess with all that in mind, it's no wonder Elon is so pathetic. I think he's possibly a lil worse than most billionaires, esp the ones that come from Old Money bc this asshole will literally shred his whole life apart just to get one iota of Validation. He is just so pathetic! His entire life revolves around what other ppl think of him and I think that's simply just sad. But I really can't spare any sympathy for a grown man, even one who was born rich af thanks to his parent's apartheid mine, whose actions have real life consequences for other ppl. So many ppl lost their livelihoods thanks to giant lay-offs Musk was doing after his acqusition of Twitter. I personally think yeah Musk and most other brain-damaged rich ppl are kind of in a way victims under this system. It must suck to have an innate part of the human psyche be disabled so much like that. But they wield the power to change things for the better... and they don't. They lack that kind of sympathy for the disabled and marginalized, crippled by so much greed and corruption and unchecked power that they would rather run this planet into the ground than ever do any measurable good in society.

Sigh. How depressing.

It's a never-ending cycle of bullshit that we're never going to escape from if we continue to rely on ppl in power to change things. I'm afraid that if we're ever going to escape any of this kind of madness-- rent on the rise, mind-numbingly expensive food and services, global pollution, corrupt policies that screw over the poor and powerless-- we have got to take that power out of the hands of only a few. We need to get rid of hierarchies. It sucks that thruout history we have had this same problem time and again, just different flavors of it.

How long until humanity learns that having a stepladder of hierarchies isn't the move?? You just cannot give a certain group of ppl most of the power, it never worked before and it won't no matter how we configure it. Yeah, we got rid of monarchies and serfdom, but now it seems like we replaced them with billionaires and the working class. Or even worse, imprisoned ppl working for basically free laboring day after day with no end in sight.

That's why I believe anarchism, or at the very least anarchist ideas are the key to defeating imperialism. Imperialism depends wholeheartedly on hierarchies, on the misery of the masses for the benefit of the few. We gotta get rid of that. We have to now more than ever support movements and reforms like abolishing police, killing billionaires, giving land back to indigenous groups around the world, routing money from bailing corporations out and funding military back to education and the arts, etc. I'm not saying all of those "leftist" takes for no reason. The entire future of our planet depends on us moving differently. If we keep going the way we're going with all of these consumerist indulgences and extravagant spending on bad priorities, we're gonna screw our species' chances of surviving even another 150 years.

I think that idea is way way scarier than changing how we live and getting rid of everything we were made to understand about society.
