Light Pink Pointer

7/13/23- 2 Jobs and a Mini Update

Yep, this is a once-a-month blog lol whoops

Well, actually I have a pretty good reason as to why this time I SWEAR

I got 2 jobs now :') shoot me

I also gotta make this update pretty quick since ofc having 2 jobs means I have to wake up earlier and come home later, thus giving me even LESS time to myself and to just... rest. Ugh.

The way I came about all of this was highkey by accident. I seriously was not planning on working 2 jobs At All this year but whoopsie daisy! Here we are. I mean, the money is most likely gonna be good (I dunno yet since I've only had 2 jobs for a week) but MAN is it killing me slowly :'))))

My old job got started back up after shutting down all of a sudden due to bankruptcy, and they reached out to me to let me know everything basically changed (except for the core model of the work ofc) and when I went to check things out last month I was like....... so damn tempted to go back LOL

I really really really liked this job! It was my fave after all the shit jobs I've had thus far since I started working at 19 and I was so damn sad when it shut down last year. So when they reached back out to me, I was so excited!..... but suspicious. Y'know, fool me once, shame on you but fool me twice...

So I was like "ok, cool I DO wanna go back but what if they pull the same dumb business decision making mistakes as before and we just... lose this fucken job again lol" so as much as I absolutely hate the current job that I'm at (for... many reasons sigh), I really did not want to just drop this dumb nursing home stint I got goin on. As much as I hate to admit it, this is the only really semi-stable job I have going right now and I really did not want to take my foot off this door if ya get my drift

Luckily, my supervisor (who is the BEST part of this job tbqh) was very accomodating and let me downgrade to a part-time schedule since he most likely did not want to lose me! His best worker! *hair flip*

So here I am, getting paid relatively good money for the work I do at both places, one part-time job and another full-time. Ngl, I am... so damn tempted to leave my part-time rn since I'm absolutely spoiled by my old job. It is STILL just as good as I remembered it ugh

I should be grateful that I got it back at all, even if I'm wary about it possibly shutting down again in the future but... uurgh I really wish this nursing home didn't suck so damn much. I get that the budget is tight nowadays but JAYEFFCEE if they don't get the air conditioning fixed in that bitch before I drown to death in my own sweat, I'm quitting is2g


Other than work, work, work... I've been reading, watching movies, etc and also planning my fits for the Barbie movie!!! Which I'm gonna go see with a friend I haven't seen since last Oct!! I'm so damn excited. This summer has been a real BUMMER thus far, I got to do 0 of the things I wanted to do in June for pride month so if this Barbie movie outing gets hexed by the curse that's been wafting in the air this entire time, I'm gonna drive str8 off a cliff :)

Here's to hoping this isn't my last blog post :)

I'm so damn disappointed by this year! But maybe it's the universe telling me that I should start hoarding all the money I make cuz even if I can't go to most events planned this year thanks to either work or the weather, there's always next year!

Anyways, I got my outfits ready for the Barbie movie, I hope it turns out good and me and my friend have a blast! God, I really need it. We're only halfway thru the year, maybe it'll take a turn for the better in the later months...?

What am I saying, winter always sucks for me. Last winter almost killed me lol

Welp, pray for me. At least if things don't go as planned, I have cute ass outfits out of this whole ordeal :'(

OH YEAH and since I haven't been talking about anarchy and anti-capitalism in a while, here's some links to free PDFs on popular anarchist texts n such

On the house ;)

I uh... am making my way thru some of these, mostly Relationship Anarchy but gosh I wish I had time and energy to read like I did not that long ago... ah well. Guess I'll just have to take things slower this time around in terms of like, everything lol

Gotta go to bed and prepare to wake up at the ass crack of dawn, as usual. See y'all next month :)
